Services for Sustainable Development
Green Terra Consulting is a socially concerned environmental sciences services and consulting organisation. Our mission is to provide companies and governments with practically applicable and scientifically based knowledge, information and services for sustainable development.
Green Terra Consulting aims to contribute to Sustainability Development Goal 13 of the United Nations, i.e. combating and limiting the effects of climate change. We do this by supporting our clients with our environmental services and knowledge so they may accomplish their sustainable development goals.
Interim Specialists
Interim deployment of sustainable development specialists.
Management Consulting
Advising management teams in their strategic decision making process and how to implement sustainable development in their business processes.
Sustainable Business Practices
EED, Carbon Management, Circular business practices, Life Cycle Analysis.
Training Sustainable Business Practices
We provide training at your location. Pragmatic and scientifically based education by means of a mini-college.